Kathleen Lohse

Idaho State University (Faculty)


MILES Role:  SES Research

Role in MILES: 
Dr. Lohse conducts interdisciplinary research to understand the hydrologic and biogeochemical processes shaping watersheds and their responses to anthropogenic changes. Her research group incorporates social processes into their conceptual and quantitative models to understand and predict these responses.
Brief biography: 
Dr. Lohse obtained her Ph.D. from UC Berkeley in 2002 working with Pamela Matson at Stanford University and Ronald Amundson at UC Berkeley. Her training was in soil science with an emphasis in ecosystem ecology/soil biogeochemistry. Prior to her employment at ISU, Dr. Lohse worked at University of Arizona for three and half years as an Assistant Professor. Dr. Lohse's group works at the interface of ecology, earth system/soil science and hydrology studying the processes shaping ecosystems and their responses to anthropogenic changes.